Prevent, Stabilize, Reverse Macular Degeneration

Welcome to the Macular Program

The Macular Program is specifically tailored for individuals affected by macular degeneration. This condition can stem from various factors, including hormonal decline, oxidative stress, inflammation, and general disruptions in the body's chemical processes. The goal of our program is to rejuvenate the cells in the macula to improve their function and halt further deterioration.

Our approach is centered on a personalized, multi-modal strategy that factors in your medical history and biochemical profile derived from comprehensive laboratory assessments. Your individualized care plan will feature specific nutraceuticals and, where necessary, bio-identical hormones. These interventions are designed to optimize your cellular health and reinvigorate the functionality of your genes.

To halt the progression of macular degeneration most effectively, it's crucial to initiate treatment as soon as possible, before macula damage becomes permanent. Once the damage is irreversible, our options are limited to stabilizing the condition. However, early intervention can potentially reverse vision loss.

The Macular Program is specifically tailored for individuals affected by macular degeneration. This condition can stem from various factors, including hormonal decline, oxidative stress, inflammation, and general disruptions in the body's chemical processes. The goal of our program is to rejuvenate the cells in the macula to improve their function and halt further deterioration.

Our approach includes a targeted mix of hormonal treatments, carefully chosen nutraceuticals, and personalized nutritional guidance derived from individual lab tests. We aim to reactivate genes that have become inactive as a result of aging. Our studies indicate that this method can not only stabilize but potentially enhance vision in nearly half of the participants suffering from macular degeneration. Additionally, it could decrease the frequency of eye injections and reduce the chances of the condition worsening from the dry type to the more severe wet type.

We highly advocate for patients to undertake this program, which is grounded in scientific research, as soon as possible. Early participation can significantly diminish the likelihood of the disease advancing to an irreversible stage.

Welcome to the Macular Program

We highly recommend patients to become part of this research-backed program as soon as possible. Participating early can substantially mitigate the risk of the disease becoming irreversible.

To discover how this may benefit you, click the button 👇 below to Speak to a Specialist.

After viewing the video, click the button 👇 to “Book a Call” or Speak to an Advisor.

Prevent, Stabilize, Reverse Macular Degeneration

⬇️ Watch The Educational Video And Book Your Free Consultation ⬇️

Welcome to the Macular Program

The Macular Program is specifically tailored for individuals affected by macular degeneration. This condition can stem from various factors, including hormonal decline, oxidative stress, inflammation, and general disruptions in the body's chemical processes. The goal of our program is to rejuvenate the cells in the macula to improve their function and halt further deterioration.

Our approach is centered on a personalized, multi-modal strategy that factors in your medical history and biochemical profile derived from comprehensive laboratory assessments. Your individualized care plan will feature specific nutraceuticals and, where necessary, bio-identical hormones. These interventions are designed to optimize your cellular health and reinvigorate the functionality of your genes.

To halt the progression of macular degeneration most effectively, it's crucial to initiate treatment as soon as possible, before macula damage becomes permanent. Once the damage is irreversible, our options are limited to stabilizing the condition. However, early intervention can potentially reverse vision loss.

We highly recommend patients to become part of this research-backed program as soon as possible. Participating early can substantially mitigate the risk of the disease becoming irreversible.

To discover how this may benefit you, click the button 👇 below to Speak to a Specialist.

Symptoms of the disease

  • Difficulty seeing in dim light.

  • Slowly progressive blurred vision not improved with glasses.

  • Distorted Vision: Straight lines might appear wavy or curved, which is a sign of wet macular degeneration.

  • Spots: There may be dark blind spots in the center of vision which may be transitory.

Macular Degeneration symptoms usually develop gradually and without pain. Over time, as the condition worsens, symptoms become more pronounced and can significantly affect daily activities like reading, driving and recognizing faces.

Symptoms of the disease

  • Difficulty seeing in dim light..

  • Slowly progressive blurred vision not improved with glasses.

  • Distorted Vision: Straight lines might appear wavy or curved, which is a sign of wet macular degeneration.

  • Spots: There may be dark blind spots in the center of vision which may be transitory

Macular Degeneration symptoms usually develop gradually and without pain. Over time, as the condition worsens, symptoms become more pronounced and can significantly affect daily activities like reading, driving and recognizing faces.

Our Methodology

Our team of medical experts develop custom-tailored care plans involving nutrition, nutraceuticals and hormones to optimize cellular biochemistry. These care plans are based on history and blood testing and enhance eye and overall health and well being. The goal is to restore optimal cellular function to stop or reverse the “degeneration” of cells.

Introducing the HOMING Method to Combat

Macular Degeneration

Our Methodology

Our team of medical experts develop custom-tailored care plans involving nutrition, nutraceuticals and hormones to optimize cellular biochemistry. These care plans are based on history and blood testing and enhance eye and overall health and well being. The goal is to restore optimal cellular function to stop or reverse the “degeneration” of cells.

The HOMING Method

The HOMING Method

  • The HOMING Method guides the personalized care plan for Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD).

  • HOMING is an acronym for Hormones, Oxidation, Methylation, Inflammation, Nutrition and Genetics. The goal is to improve cell biochemistry either directly or by epigenetic mechanisms, (reawakening dormant genes that down regulate with aging)

Let’s Talk about Your

Dry or Wet AMD Goals

Let’s Talk about Your

Dry or Wet AMD Goals

  • In 2020, we conducted a study with 365 dry or wet AMD patients. We found that stability or improvement was possible for dry or wet AMD.

  • 48% of dry AMD improved.

  • 60% of wet AMD improved.

  • In 2020, we conducted a study with 365 dry or wet AMD patients. We found that stability or improvement was possible for dry or wet AMD.

  • It won the Advancements in Health Care Award.

  • Had it not been for our success in many patients we may never have pursued macular degeneration.

  • We discuss the discovery process in our presentations.

  • The HOMING method has been a success in many clinical conditions indicating that addresses root causes of disease.

  • It won the Advancements in Health Care Award.

  • Had it not been for our success in many patients we may never have pursued macular degeneration.

  • We discuss the discovery process in our presentations.

Who will be eligible for

the Program

  • Prevent AMD

  • Failures of Dark Adaptation Testing

  • Drusen

  • Dry AMD with Vision Loss

  • Reducing conversion of Dry to Wet AMD

  • Wet AMD

  • Diabetic Retinopathy

  • Vein Occlusions

  • Preparing for Cataract Surgery in Eyes with AMD

  • Glaucoma

  • Retinitis Pigmentosa

  • Macular hole

  • Artery Occlusion

  • Macular Pucker (Epiretinal Membrane)

  • Floaters

  • Retinal Detachment

  • Irreversible Advance Macular Degeneration

Who will be eligible for

the Program

  • Prevent AMD

  • Failures of Dark Adaptation Testing

  • Drusen

  • Dry AMD with Vision Loss

  • Reducing conversion of Dry to Wet AMD

  • Wet AMD

  • Diabetic Retinopathy

  • Vein Occlusions

  • Preparing for Cataract Surgery in Eyes with AMD

  • Glaucoma

  • Retinitis Pigmentosa

  • Macular hole

  • Artery Occlusion

  • Macular Pucker (Epiretinal Membrane)

  • Floaters

  • Retinal Detachment

  • Irreversible Advance Macular Degeneration

The Experts behind the Program

George W. Rozakis MD

Board Certified Ophthalmology

Brian A. Bakke, Ph.D

Ph.D. in Biochemistry

The Experts behind the Program

George W. Rozakis, MD

Board Certified Ophthalmologist / Biomedical Engineer

Brian Bakke, Ph.D

PhD in Biochemistry

What our patients say

Calvin K.

I am extremely pleased with the program. My eyesight has improved, especially my long distance vision for driving. I am able to drive at night!

What our patients say

Calvin K.

I am extremely pleased with the program. My eyesight has improved, especially my long distance vision for driving. I am able to drive at night!

Macular Program Articles

Dr. Rozakis and Beverly on an interview regarding her progress while in the Macular Program

Beverly's Journey: From Blurry Spots to Clear Vision

December 07, 20232 min read

Beverly's Story: From Doubt to Clarity

Beverly's journey to improved vision is a narrative of hope and unexpected recovery. Living with unexplained spots in her vision for years, she had come to accept this as her normal.

Joining the Macular Program: A Turning Point

Beverly's life began to change when she decided to join the Macular Program. This decision marked the start of a significant shift in her eye health, though she didn't realize it immediately.

The Webinar That Sparked a Change

During a webinar hosted by Dr. Rozakis and Dr. Bakke, Beverly heard another patient, Jim, speak about his experience of no longer having spots in his eyes. While she found his story intriguing, she initially dismissed the possibility of a similar recovery for herself.

A Morning of Realization

Then, one morning, Beverly woke up to find that the spots in her eyes, which had been her constant companions for years, were no longer there. At first, she thought she was simply imagining things, influenced perhaps by Jim's story.

The Dawn of a New Vision

As the days passed, Beverly's skepticism turned to astonishment. The spots – a significant one and several smaller ones – had indeed vanished. This wasn't an illusion; her vision was truly improving.

Experiencing a Sharper World

More than just the disappearance of the spots, Beverly noticed an overall enhancement in her vision's clarity and sharpness. The world outside her window appeared more vivid, with colors that were more vibrant than she had experienced in a long time.e Macular Program can be a vital resource in your journey towards eye health.

Improved Night Vision: An Unexpected Bonus

Remarkably, Beverly also discovered that her night vision had improved significantly. Nighttime, once a challenging period for her vision, now presented a clearer and more navigable world.

Beverly's Journey with the Macular Program

Two individuals in a video call; on the left is Dr. Rozakis, sits in front of a wall with framed certificates, and on the right, an elderly woman with glasses, known as Bev, discusses her progress with macular degeneration treatment.

Beverly's transformation serves as a powerful testament to the effectiveness of the Macular Program and the potential for significant improvements in eye health. Her initial skepticism, followed by the incredible realization of her recovery, underscores the importance of such programs in offering hope and tangible results in eye health.

Disclaimer: Please note that this testimonial reflects the personal experience of one individual. Individual results may vary, and similar outcomes are not guaranteed.

Are you inspired by Beverly's story? Curious about how the Macular Program might help you?

Register for the next LIVE Macular Masterclass here.

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Patients FAQ'S

Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers.

How long does it take to see improvements with dry AMD?

Our study followed patients for 6 months. Those who improved did so generally between 2 and 6 months. Unpublished data is showing that these effects are not lost out to 2-3 years and additional improvement is possible with more time. Time and compliance with the program are the keys to continued success.

Do I need to continue to take the program to sustain the benefits?

Similar to exercise and dietary practices, the favorable changes in your blood chemistry can only be sustained as long as you are taking your program.

Do Blood Tests Improve?

Yes. Consistently adhering to our program has led to marked improvements for our patients. It is the combination of time and unwavering commitment to the program that paves the way for enduring success.

How do you decrease the frequency of injections for Wet AMD.

This decision is made by you retina doctor. However it is reasonable to ask to decrease the time between injection if the OCT scans show no remaining fluid because the HOMING Method, according to scientific literature, may decrease the creation of growth factors in the eye (for which you are receiving the injections).

Is this Anti-Aging Medicine?

The Macular Program is a form of anti-aging medicine since macular degeneration is actually called AGE RELATED macular degeneration. Fighting aging is fighting AMD. What is nice is that treating AMD with HOMING also benefits other aging symptoms which is why we want to know about your eye AND General Health.

What would slow improvement in Dry or Wet AMD?

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), whether dry or wet, is a complex condition influenced by numerous factors. Our HOMING method helps to prevent, stabilize and even reverse macular degeneration.

What about GA?

Geographic Atrophy is a special form of dry macular degeneration that is felt to be caused by inflammation. The HOMING method reduces inflammation. Our clinical suspicion is that GA does not worsen if a patient is on the HOMING Method. This is an important matter because new drugs now exist to fight inflammation in eyes with GA, but these drugs need to be injected into the eye. We hope the HOMING method will allow patients to avoid eye injections for GA. The smart move is to be on the HOMING method and have the GA closely followed for progression. If no progression, then you don’t need shots. It’s your call.

New breakthrough allows age-related macular degeneration patients to improve vision and prevent further loss.


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